Congratulations to Dr. Chris O'Keefe!

Congratulations to Dr. Chris O'Keefe!

On Tues. Feb. 16, Chris successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis, "Multinuclear Solid-State NMR Investigation of Structure, Dynamics, and Formation of Porous Materials". Prof. Jeffrey Reimer (Berkeley) was his external examiner. Thanks to all of the committee members, and Chris' family and friends for showing up! Thanks also to Prof. Reimer for an excellent seminar on carbon capture!






Andre Simpson visits UWindsor

We were happy to host Prof. Andre Simpson from the University of Toronto on Fri. Feb 12, 2018.

Prof. Simpson presented an excellent seminar entitled: From Structure to Interactions to In vivo NMR: The vast potential of NMR Spectroscopy in Environmental Research

(for more info, visit:

We celebrated his visit with a very large hamburger!

Andre Simpson Burger copy