Florida State / Research / Research Facilities / MASS LAB
Mass Spectrometry Laboratory
As a multiuser research facility, Mass Spectrometry Laboratory (MASS Lab) provides access to a wide range of mass spectrometry instruments for organic and biological samples. The MASS Lab is capable of performing analysis using many different ionization techniques including: low and high resolution electrospray (ESI), low resolution matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI), MS/MS (ESI and MALDI), GC/MS (EI), and LC/MS (ESI). Please feel free to contact Dr. Xinsong Lin for user training, service inquiries and sample submission.
Phone | Location | Hours | Facility Director |
(850) 645.5767 | 1008 CSL | 8:00 – 5:00 M-F | Dr. Xinsong Lin |
Laboratory Instruments
Agilent 6230 TOF-MS

Agilent 6230 TOF MS provides accurate mass analyses over a wide mass range. Ideal for organic mass spectrometry. The system can be configured to work either as LC-MS or DART-MS (for rapid detection of analytes). LC-MS configuration is available only on Tuesdays.
- Sensitivity, MS Mode: 1pg: 50:1 S/N reserpine
- Mass Resolution: 22,000@1522 m/z
- Mass Accuracy: < 1 ppm MS Mode
- LC-MS Mass Range: m/z 25-20,000
- DART- MS Mass Range: m/z 50-1200
- Scan Speed: 30 scans/second
Internal: $8/sample
External (academic): $24/sample
External (commercial): $48/sampleLocation:
CSL 1008 B
Agilent 1260 Infinity II LC

Agilent 1260 Infinity II LC is used to separate complex chemical, biological and environmental mixtures. The system consists of a flexible pump, multisampler and variable wavelength detector. Superior quaternary mixing and a delay volume of 350 μL enable shortest run times, highest precision and accuracy.
- For Use With Pharmaceutical, Environmental, Food Safety, Clinical Research, and Forensic Toxicology
- Mass Range 5 to 3000 m/z
- Is either connected to a UV detector or to the Agilent 6320 TOF
Rate:Internal: $20/hour
External (academic): $60/hour
External (commercial): $120/hourLocation:
CSL 1008 B
P/ACE MDQ Plus Capillary Electrophoresis

The P/ACE MDQ Plus an automated capillary electrophoresis system for separation of complex samples. Either UV absorption or laser-induced fluorescence detection is available. Capillary electrophoresis separates based on differential mobility of charged analytes in an electric field. The MDQ Plus is compatible with various kits that allow testing of RNA or IgG purity, glycan analysis, SDS-MW, and carbohydrate labeling and analysis.
- Model: P/ACE MDQ Plus
- Forward or reverse injections
- UV or fluorescence detection
- Temperature control 15 to 60 °C
Internal: $10/hour
External (academic): $30/hour
External (commercial): $60/hour
CSL 1008
Thermo Scientific iCAP RQ ICP-MS

Thermo Scientific iCAP RQ ICP-MS is capable of detecting most of the elements in the periodic table. Ideal for inorganic material analysis, geochemical exploration and pharmaceutical research.
- Detection limit: < 0.5 ppt
- Mass Range: 2 – 290 u
- Resolution: User definable
- Abundance Sensitivity: < 0.5 ppm @ m-1 (m= 238U)
- Mass Stability: ≤ ± 0.025 u per day
- Scan Speed: > 3700 amu/s; Li to U with 40 interval masses
Internal: $33/hour
External (academic): $99/hour
External (commercial): $198/hourLocation:
CSL 1008 B
Thermo TSQ Quantis Mass Spectrometer

The TSQ Quantis mass spectrometer offers confident quantitation every day for wide ranges of applications. These instruments are built on a foundation of shared, state-of-the-art hardware and software components, offering outstanding robustness and sensitivity. With its segmented quadrupoles, an enhanced dual-mode discrete-dynode electron multiplier detector, and high-resolution SRM (0.4 FWHM), the TSQ Quantis meets every targeted quantitation workflow requirement, with an ease-of-use that ensures quality data from every user, every molecule, and every analytical lab. This makes it easier to transfer methods from one instrument to another when methods progress from single, sample-based experiments to validation and routine high-volume screening and quantitation.
- Mass Range 5 – 3000 m/z
- Operated in SRM or full scan mode
- Used in direct injection or coupled with Vanquish UHPLC system
Internal: $23/hour
External (academic): $69/hour
External (commercial): $138/hourLocation:
CSL 1008 B
Sorvall Centrifuge

High-speed (up to 22,000 rpm) centrifuge with fixed angle and swinging bucket rotors.
- Model: RC 6 PLUS
- Max. Speed: 22,000 rpm
CSL 116
GE ÄKTA Pure 25 M Chromatography System

GE ÄKTA pure 25 M chromatography system is used for reliable purification of protiens, peptides and nucleic acids.
- Flow Rate: 0.001 – 25 ml/min
- Max. Operating Pressure: 20 MPa
- UV Monitor: 280 nm
- Viscosity Range: 0.35 – 10 cP
CSL 4501 (Cold Room)