
Florida State   /   Research   /   Faculty

Chemical Biology Faculty

Areas: Organic
Specialties: Synthesis and Catalysis, Chemical Biology

The Frederich research group focuses on the chemistry and biology of architecturally complex natural products.

Areas: Analytical, Biochemistry, Physical
Specialties: Bioanalytical, Chemical Biology, Structural Biology

The Hakansson group applies state-of-the-art mass spectrometry (MS), particularly Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FT-ICR) MS

Areas: Organic, Biochemistry
Specialties: Chemical Biology, Structural Biology, Synthesis and Catalysis

Natural products, a class of small molecules renowned for their structural complexity and biological potency, have long been at the forefront of drug discovery ...

Areas: Analytical, Biochemistry
Specialties: Bioanalytical, Chemical Biology, Genetics, Natural Product, Microbiome

Microbes are often referred to as "the greatest chemists" because they possess a diverse array of metabolic pathways ...

Areas: Biochemistry
Specialties: Bioanalytical, Chemical Biology, Structural Biology

The principle that guides my research is that biological macromolecules are chemicals and biological processes are chemical processes; we should be able to understand them...

Areas: Biochemistry
Specialties: Chemical Biology, Structural Biology, Synthesis and Catalysis

The Miller research group investigates the origin, evolution and regulation of biological catalysts.

Areas: Analytical, Biochemistry
Specialties: Bioanalytical, Chemical Biology

The Roper laboratory develops new analytical methods and techniques to investigate biological signaling.

Areas: Biochemistry, Materials
Specialties: Bioanalytical, Chemical Biology, Structural Biology

The Sang research team investigates biomarkers and biochemical mechanisms of stem cell differentiation and tissue engineering, cancer metabolism, angiogenesis, progression, invasion, and metastasis.

Areas: Biochemistry
Specialties: Chemical Biology, Structural Biology

The Silvers lab focusses on understanding how proteins and RNA interact on a molecular level using NMR spectroscopy and how this interaction mediates function and disease-related dysfunction.

Areas: Biochemistry
Specialties: Bioanalytical, Chemical Biology, Computational Chemistry, Structural Biology

Our research interest is in the development and application of state-of-art multi-spectrum atomistic simulation techniques to understand the hidden nature of complex biological phenomena.

Areas: Materials, Organic
Specialties: Bioanalytical, Chemical Biology, Synthesis and Catalysis, Spectroscopy and Photochemistry

The Zhu group is interested in solving fundamental problems in chemistry and developing new technologies using the tools in supramolecular chemistry.

Areas: Biochemistry
Specialties: Bioanalytical, Chemical Biology, Structrual Biology, Synthesis and Catalysis

Research in Wen Zhu's laboratory focuses on translating the fundamental understanding of enzyme catalysis into the knowledge needed for innovative drug discovery.